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Sunday, 09 February 2025

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Отдых в Горном Алтае arrow Belokurikha


We are glad to welcome You to Belokurikha!

This is a balneoclimatic resort with high scientific potential, has modern medical-diagnostic base. Its main wealth - nitric-siliceous thermal waters with content of radon. 145-year-old resort experience convincingly demonstrates the high effectiveness of their use in the treatment of many diseases. Thanks to the rational approach to the organization of recreational infrastructure in Belokurikha created all conditions for treatment, rehabilitation and recreation. Confirmation of the high reputation of the resort, its qualitative and dynamic development are numerous Russian and international awards in the field of balneology and restorative medicine in different nominations. In the year 2013, the all-Russian forum "Zdravnitsa-2013" resort Belokurikha was awarded with the Gold medal "the Best resort of Federal significance". The catalog contains information about the resort-city, its history, events, sights of natural therapeutic factors and sanatorium-and-Spa institutions. We hope that the acquaintance with him, You want to come in Belokurikha montain. We invite you to our magnificent health resort! We are sure that You will discover a unique place for healing and comfortable rest: unique thermal springs, rich light air ions crystal-clear mountain air, the positive energy of the mountain of volcanic rocks - such a combination of natural curative factors are not found anywhere else.

In the spring months we can admire a dozen wonderful wild orchids such as ophrys apifera, sphegodes, seapides lingua, orchis provincialis, italia etc. At the top of the stone steps, to the left, following a winding path of boxus sempervirens, in the vicinity of a splendid rock garden, full of cactuses and exotic plants, we can admire the bronze statue of David We admire an infinite variety of Altai more and more! SPA resort Belokurikha, which is well- known in Russia, lies on the border of the plains and foothills. On the one hand, there are smooth contours of Cherginskii ridge’s stone waves, on the other - Altai plain, which is infinite, mottled blanket of colored pieces of fields, meadows, plowed fields, following to the horizon.

Height above sea level is about 250 m in Belokurikha. Here you can see: Mountain ridges of height up to 1000 m, which are covered with dark green pine forests, you can see the granite yields fantastic shapes, free spaces are occupied by meadows with rich grasses. Blue translucent haze enveloped the mountain peaks on sunny days, while the sun has shining for 260 days a year here. That is about Siberia Belokurikha has mild climate: it is warm, but it is not searing heat in summer, early spring friendly, warm leisurely autumn, dry and almost windless winter.

Valley of Belokurikha river, which houses the resort, is very beautiful. Picturesque bed, which has many scattered bou|6ers, surrounds the pine forest, many river banks ring and shimVncr, enlivening the landscape.

Belokurikha is one of the few on the earth of resort districts where any season not only is fine, but also it is comfortable for th'e person. To have a rest and restore health here it is possible both in January, and in May, both in August, and in November. As if in the kind fairy tale, Twelve Months have united in foothills of Altai - for the sake of one purpose: to deliver to people it is as much as pleasure and pleasure.

Center of business, politics and science
Spa profile
Olympic ski slopes
The history of Belokurikha
Union of the natural gifts and scientific methods
Tours to Belokurikha

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